About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Audrey and I love crafts. If that sounds a bit like an AA introduction then it would not be far off. I don’t just love crafts, I LOVE crafts! In fact, it can be a bit challenging trying to balance family life and responsibilities with the constant and persistent draw to anything and everything hand made. I’m sad to say that my poor family often loses out in the battle for my attention but it is something that I am working on getting better at—and so there is my confession. This blog may seem a bit scattered, but it hopefully will be a smattering of projects created by yours truly the “Night Owl”, as well as some recipes and maybe even some snippets from our family life.

I am a want-to-be seamstress with a fairly good sense of spatial awareness but no formal training as I am mostly self-taught. I have however created several quilts, garments, and home furnishings (such as curtains, couch covers and pillows), and I love the process of designing clothes for my two little girls. Some day when I grow up maybe I’ll get really good at design and even create patterns for sale, we’ll have to see what the future holds!

I also love knitting and crochet. They are very different processes of building material but similar in therapeutic benefits and in their use of fun yarn! I am one of those people who can’t walk out of a craft store without at least one new skein of yarn.

Speaking of the craft store, that is a dangerous place for me. Michael’s, Joanne’s, ACMoore—all are wonderful and are at the same time potentially devastating to my bank account. Ok, so maybe not that extreme, but when I walk into one of those stores my mind starts going crazy with all the possibilities of what I could do and make with this or that, and I sometimes just cannot help myself and I become all absorbed by the next new amazing project!

Cake decorating is also one of my crafty loves. It might be silly that piping bags and icing tips can make my heart skip a beat, but the process of going from planning a cake on paper with pencil to the finished product is just so exhilarating! So, you may also see a post or two about one of my cake creations—sometimes I’m just compelled to share it with someone!

In addition to hand crafts I also enjoy tinkering in the kitchen and creating new recipes that my family loves. So, I may also share some of my family’s favorites from time to time.

As I journey through life trying to keep everything in balance you may also hear about that. I fully believe that God has given me my intense desire to create and the abilities with which to do it, and I am in the process of discovering how to use them in a way that will honor Him and bless my family and those around me. Please join me in my journey and I hope that you will be blessed too.



At Anightowlscreations