Googly Eye Puppet Rings

The idea for these googly eye puppet rings came rather spontaneously. I have been “sort of” potty training my almost 2 year old off and on for a while now, and she has been doing fairly well, but has recently regressed and doesn’t want to sit on the toilet long enough to do her business. I really don’t care so much about changing wet pull-ups, but poop is a whole different story. She knows she should poop on the toilet, its just getting her to sit long enough to do it.

I have recently resorted to entertaining her by using my hands as impromptu puppets. She laughs at the puppet’s antics, and the puppets have been encouraging her to go potty–with success! Well, as I sat there this morning with my hand puppets talking to and encouraging her in her daily elimination, I remembered an idea that I’d seen somewhere a while ago for plastic eye rings that turn your hands into puppets. I don’t know where I saw them, but I thought to myself “I can do that!” And a few pipe cleaners and googly eyes later my little googly eye puppet rings were born!


This is a super easy 5 minute project that has been entertaining and enthralling the girls all day long.

Hello, what’s your name?

All you need are googly eyes, pipe cleaners, and a hot glue gun with hot glue. You just cut a length of pipe cleaner–about 8 inches for an adult sized ring–wind up a little circle by tucking in the ends–jelly roll style!–and bend it so that it will go around your finger with the circles sticking up.

Then you use the hot glue gun to glue the googly eyes onto the little circles, and wait half a minute for it to cool/dry, and tada! Googly eye puppet ring!

They crack me up so much! And the girls were mesmerized by them. Ella wanted to make a whole family of googly eye rings of all different sizes and then played with them for the whole rest of the day. Seriously the easiest homemade toy ever. They will be great for long car rides too. Esther had a little bit of trouble getting her fingers to cooperate and stay closed like a puppet, but it didn’t stop her from wanting one too. They are really just the cutest things!

A whole choir singing their little furry hearts out.

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